From brands and buyers to press, artists, and content creators, The Playtime & Kid’s Hub community is made up of international creatives from around the world. We love speaking with them to learn more about their journeys and their unique vision of childhood. At Playtime & Kid’s Hub New York this summer, we interviewed Courtney Seabrooks, a mother of two, artist, and content creator. It was her first time visiting The Big Small Show, and we were so happy to have her and her family there! Join us as we learn more about motherhood, what we can find on her socials, and what she thought of the show as a parent and first time visitor.


Courtney and her husband Keith, their daughter Mila and son Kai.

Can you please introduce yourself?

Hi, I’m Courtney Seabrooks! You can find me on both Instagram and TikTok, @courtney.seabrooks. On social media, I post my personal paintings, my outfits, and a lot of motherhood things as well. We travel around with our children all the time, so I’m constantly posting what we’re doing with our babies. I also write a little blog that talks about motherhood, travel stories and guides, and about fashion and films too.

I started Instagram and TikTok more seriously somewhat recently, so I feel like I’m catching up and I’m new to the game, but I have always been taking photos and working in creative ways. Now, a lot of what I create is centered around motherhood, and so that has been the majority of what I’ve been posting lately. My son Kai is only 7 months old, so I’m still postpartum, meaning you’ll find some pregnancy and baby content. I mostly post in my stories every day, so on there you can follow what I’m doing and see brands I’m working with, or get inspired by our adventures.


What is your preferred social media platform and why?

Lately, I’ve gravitated towards Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok. These platforms have become central for me because I’ve cultivated communities there that I frequently interact with and have a dialogue with.


When creating content, what format do you opt for? Why does this speak to you the most?

I generally prefer photos, but when inspiration strikes, I do enjoy editing videos. I create videos featuring outfit changes, showcasing beauty shots from our travels, or producing short clips for TikTok that feature my family and me. Sometimes, video is the most effective medium for storytelling.

TikTok is the question on everyone’s mind right now. What are some things you’ve learned about using the platform?

TikTok can be quite unpredictable. While posting daily can contribute to growth, it isn’t the only path to success. I’ve accumulated a substantial following without posting consistently, which shows you the importance of quality. To make an impact, your content needs to resonate with people.


What is the most important thing you keep in mind when creating content?

I emphasize maintaining a polished appearance in my content. Even with iPhone photos, it’s possible to produce beautiful work. My advice is to capture the moment without overthinking it and to curate your content in a way that aligns with your aspirations. I try to stay true to myself without overthinking it.


Are there any social media platforms you’ve got your eye on?

I’m active on Substack, where my blog is hosted, and I also enjoy Pinterest. I’ve recently joined Threads, so I’m interested to see how that platform develops for me too.


How would you describe your vision of childhood?

My vision of childhood is one that has freedom for unstructured play, and a lot of freedom to think the way you want to think before someone can influence you to be a certain way. I really try to implement that with my children. I want to let them be themselves and teach them all of the things that I feel like I was never taught. How to take care of their bodies, nutrition, good fabrics… All these little details that I think my parent’s generation just didn’t pay as much attention to as the current generations do. It’s so cool to be here at Playtime & Kid’s Hub New York, because a lot of the brands are very conscious of your child’s safety and health while still looking cool and having fun.

What is it like visiting the show as a parent?

This kids’ fashion and lifestyle trade show has been so cool! I’ve already run into a lot of other parents that are very in line with what we do as parents. We’ve also discovered a lot of things here that I didn’t even know existed! There are a lot of new brands I didn’t know before, so being here as a parent is amazing.

Before we came to the show, I specifically went to look at the map and marked the brands that I really wanted to pay attention to. The first one that caught my eye is Namai. They make these unbelievable jackets and bags out of recycled saris. They’re really intricate, like artwork in and of themselves. So that was the first thing I had to see here! Organic Zoo and a lot of other brands that offer organic cotton for babies really stood out to me as well. We were very excited to see Maileg, Bebe Organic, Konges Sløjd, and Louise Misha as well.


Were there any brands at the show you already know?

Oh yeah! When I saw the list of exhibitors, I said to myself, “Okay, I already know half of these brands and I would love to meet them in person!” The other half was like this mystery of who knows who these people are, but I can’t wait to find out. Everyone I met was amazing. We’ve spoken to owners and designers, they have been so open to sharing their latest collections. Each booth was so unique. This is a really well curated trade show.

What are some of the essential products you always have with you?

One of the essential products I have to have for my children, especially while traveling, is our Yoto Player. We love it, it’s a screen-free audio book device that they adore. We also have to have bags full of activity cards, diapers, wipes, chapstick, and any other little things that they can play with. Whether that’s here on the subway in New York, on the plane, or at a restaurant, ways to entertain them are must-haves! We do a lot of artwork, so we always have crayons with us.

Water bottles and all the things for snacks are really important too! Our family loves to eat, and we want to eat food everywhere in the world. Our daughter Mila is an aspiring little chef — she loves everything food related! And of course, right now we always need a baby carrier for Kai.


What is one of the most challenging things about motherhood?

One of the most challenging things about motherhood is how do you discipline a child without having to discipline them? How do you steer them in the right direction and maintain your patience even when everything is falling apart? For me, it’s been a lot of work on communicating effectively with a toddler. It’s one thing with adults, but with a toddler it’s a whole different ballgame. It changes so fast too! Right when you’ve figured it out, you have to teach yourself a new way. So that’s very challenging, and that’s daily work. Aside from that, just entertaining your children can sometimes be a challenge! When they’re bored, I like to let them sit in their boredom to get creative. But that doesn’t always work! Minute by minute, motherhood is always a new experience.


What is some advice you’d offer fellow parents?

Keep your children active. If they need a nap, let them nap. If they are bored, go do something creative with water or paint, or go outside. In those moments when it gets very difficult, I think those have always been my go to’s, going back to something creative. There’s not much you can always do. I think keeping yourself calm is key, because that will be reflected in your children. They’ll see how you’re acting and they’ll try to replicate that. Also, always talk things through, don’t just say “No” but show them what to do instead.


What can we look forward to on your social media in the rest of 2024?

The rest of 2024 has a lot in store for us. Going into Fall and Winter we are working on some travel partnerships with our family. I think this season of my life is going to be about showing myself in ways that I never have before. My life, my art studio, my children, my goals, and what we do on a day to day basis. Specifically, I think you’ll be seeing me accomplish these really big things, like becoming a travel creator, homeschooling my children, sharing more artwork, and manifesting the best things for my growing family.

Thank you so much to Courtney for this amazing insights into motherhood, content creation, and a trade show through a parent’s eyes! We loved learning more about her experience, and can’t wait to see more content from Courtney and her little ones. Make sure to follow along on her Instagram. TikTok, and her personal blog!


All images from Courtney Seabrooks
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Madeline Blankenship
Madeline Blankenship